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     The Coalition for
the Protection of Veterinary Technician
& Nurse Specialists


Because professional integrity is priceless

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Academy Protection 



The CPVTNS is a group of veterinary technician leaders from all of the current National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America's (NAVTA) recognized specialty academies who are dedicated to maintaining and protecting the members of their specialty academies.

Since the advent of the very first specialty academy in 1996 there has been little undertaking in regard to protecting the integrity of specialty academy members. It was only in 2011 NAVTA attempted and failed for the first of multiple times to protect academies from those who claim membership of a specialty academy that are in fact not members. Despite repeated advice and suggestions NAVTA did not act or failed at maintaining the integrity of the member status. As one could imagine this is upsetting and detrimental to the veterinary technician specialists and academies. In an attempt to rectify this, the CPVTNS was formed in 2014 to take more definitive and assertive action. We continued our attempts of shepherding NAVTA through the trademark process without success and determined the CPVTNS would be a better avenue for protecting academy members.

But doesn’t NAVTA “own” the credential?

In short, no. It is also important to note a professional credential cannot be trademarked, nor is VTS a legally recognized credential in most states- so far. This is why we do not see “registered nurse” trademarked.


Through legal counsel we have also determined that no single individual or organization owns the term Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS). Rather, the academies collectively have defensible rights to the collective membership mark used to identity membership of their specialty academy.



Who we aren’t:

We are not the Committee of Veterinary Technician Specialties (CVTS). The CVTS is the standing committee of NAVTA that reviews, initially approves and helps maintain NAVTA recognition of the specialty academies. We have and claim no such authority other than to enforce the legal integrity of the collective membership mark disseminated to qualified individuals of  NAVTA recognized specialty academies. Starting in late 2022 CPVTNS members have been involved in legislative efforts to recognize VTSes and increase scope of practice in state practice acts- with success!

Position statement on mid-level practitioners: The CPVTNS is currently opposed to the creation of a “mid-level practitioner” that requires a Master’s level degree to practice veterinary medicine either independently of a veterinarian, or with an increased scope of practice compared to veterinary technicians specialists. Instead, we support legislative changes in practice acts to accommodate a change in supervision provided by a veterinarian for veterinary technician specialists and an increased scope of practice baring the patient/case is still overseen and in full control of a veterinarian. We also encourage legislative changes that would introduce or strengthen title protection for veterinary technician specialists as a new role within state practice acts. 


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